Hello my caring friend,

My name’s leo, and I’m so glad to meet you and to get to share Care.Check with you.

Care.Check is a platform dedicated to a recommitment to SELF-CREATION.

Because we are creative creatures, body and soul, from our hearts, through our guts, and to our bones. And as a woman raised in a western culture, who dedicated the first 35 of her life to Med school and the oncology ward, I know that it can be hard to believe for some of us… That we are indeed creative beings—and that creativity is our greatest source of power, not just a cute way to spend some unproductive time we’re not truly allowed to indulge in anyway. After all, creativity is the essence of Nature and Life… and we art part of both.

Through my own healing journey and path of integrity, I came to unlearn one very misguided belief I had inherited. I unlearned that the world was a terrible place; and I discovered how good, loving and kind Life truly is. I also let myself embrace the most tender and precious shift of awareness I could ever have prayed for. I realized that our world is truly shaped from the inside out. That yes, of course, reality is what it is, AND still: we are not defined by our circumstances; our circumstances are defined by the meaning we choose for them.

I discovered that it’s a choice we get to make, refine, change or uphold over and over again… and that those choices are what shape our lives. Nothing else does. Nothing else will. Nothing else can.

Life is our creation. I know that now, and I keep on proving it to myself daily, while I unroot one limiting belief after the other, and while I process more and more of the trauma my body still holds and re-acts.

Which is why I wanted to share my journey with you. Because the journey of those who came before me lit the sparks I needed to reconnect to this fire we all hold deep inside. A fire meant to free us and enliven us, from the inside out. The fire that then allows us to shine for all those who surround us.

And this is how I became so passionate about the topic of SELF-CARE.

First because “we teach what we most need to learn”—even though I’m not here to teach! I’m here only to testify that the ways I’m now choosing are enlightening the darkest corners of my mind, allowing healing in me I never thought possible and shaping my everyday life into my dreams, one by one. I’m only here to share what I learn.

And second, because I believe self-care is the only way we can offer to others, to the world, and to ourselves (yes, we matter too) what we came on Earth to offer.

We’ve got to compose with what is AND we get to make what is into whichever we choose. As long as we realize that we’re in charge, we’re Life’s co-creators, we’re the ones we’ve been looking for. No one’s coming to save us because that someone is already here. In you. In me. Unconditionally loving and unbelievably resourceful. Ready to draw for us all the maps we need to find our way home, our way in and then our way into the world.

Yes, I know that everyone holds the keys to each and every door we encounter on this journey called “life”, and that we just need a place to feel safe and free to look for them, under our unconscious beliefs, our conditioning and our fears. We are all inherently good, trying our very best, and we’re only at times misguided in the ways we use to contribute. I hope Care.check can allow us to create a safe haven where we can witness, love and empower each other to keep going, keep trying, keep shining, keep creating.

I truly believe in you. And I hope that my words will help you believe in you too.

Life is our creation, and it’s created from the inside out… And the world each of us creates then becomes the one we all share. That’s why this shift is not only life-changing for us, it’s life-changing for everyone.

My hope for this platform is to start the conversations we all need to have about what self-care really means and looks like. Why it’s not complacent, and on the contrary the greatest responsibility we’ll ever have. Why it’s not selfish and actually the only way we can truly ever take care of others. How self-care is self-creation—and how it works both ways: we create who we are intentionally, through self-care, or by default, through a lack of it.

We are how we help, we are how we love. Let’s turn ourselves into all we can offer, by offering ourselves what we need. Because we can only feel free and safe and cared for when our needs are met, that’s a fact whether we admit it or not.

Because when we feel free, safe and cared for, we cannot help but want to share all of that goodness with the world. Because generosity is our nature. We don’t have to prove that we care for others to be allowed to care for ourselves. We only have to take care of our inner fire and let that fire light the world.

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So here I am, a French New Yorker with a keyboard and a dream, trying to show up the best way I can, by sharing the insights I encounter while surrendering to my heart, embodiment work, and as a spiritual seeker fascinated and humbled by the depth of our humanity, the rawness of our humanness and the beauty of our shared experience here on earth.

I’m also a singer and a songwriter, learning patiently how to free a voice that was tamed and relentlessly ridiculed at a very young age, choosing to follow the rainbows brought by every storm, until I find a place to rest in the sun, until I understand that the clouds were never there to get me… only to wash over my unnecessary defenses.

And I became a life coach three years ago when I was looking for answers about how we heal, how we love, how we become who we’re meant to become—answers that were nowhere to be found in my medical books, productivity manuals or immediate environment.

I will share on this platform what I’m learning and what I’m leaving behind, what feels true, good and healing, the words that nourish me, some of my songs and photographs, hoping to connect us in a kind and caring environment, where we can learn to take care of ourselves, to self-heal, to self-CREATE.

I hope that it will resonate for you and allow me to share the joy, shifts and comfort that the search for integrity ignites in my heart.

Self-care is self-creation. Self-creation is self-care. Nothing changes until we do and everything can change in an instant—with one decision, one inner shift that will reshape the trajectory of your life, as surely as the way the light shifts when the earth moves around the sun.

Self-care to me means committing to focusing on our light and surrender to what our light needs in order to expand, to shine brighter, to reach those who need it… as well as the loneliest part of our inside world.

Self-care matters, because I am all I can offer to myself and others, nothing less, nothing more… I want to offer you the best version of me and I want to offer me all that I can be.

And something tells me you hear it too… This little voice saying that there is more, so much more to understand, to live, to experience, to share, to receive, to create and care for. That DREAMS MATTER, because they are our guideposts, the mission statement our soul wrote for us to keep us centered and inspired.

We’re allowed to reclaim ownership of our inner world. We’re supposed to care for it.

The world is created from the inside out, so let’s make sure we’re creating for each other a world of KINDNESS, LOVE and LIGHT. I truly believe they’re our most sacred offering to this world.

Thank you for being here. 
Thank you for being you. 
Thank you for giving me a chance to share what I believe in with you.

Thank you,


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You are the one you're looking for... I hope I can help you see that.


Singer, writer, songwriter, dreamer, life coach, former M.D. & truth seeker