Care.check Podcast
Today I choose the unknown

Today I choose the unknown

Today I choose the unknown, the mystery, the unfathomable, the unmanifested.

Today I choose the unknown, the mystery, the unfathomable, the unmanifested.

Today I choose to let go of my need to control, to plan or to explain to Life how the world ought to be.

I surrender my views, my advice, my certainties. I begin anew—humbly, slowly, tentatively.

I take slower steps and let my experience guide me, instead of dictating my way out of the ordinary.

I take one sip, then another and let water erase what is no longer me.

I take one bite, then another and let the food of Life transform me.

I’ll ask questions, not to get answers, but to open my mind.

I’ll anchor in awe and open my heart to the magic of the universe.

Today I choose the unknown, especially when it scares me.

I sink into the mystery of it all and witness how everything just is—without ever needing my approval or understanding.

I stop trying to grasp the unfathomable and patiently await the season where the unmanifested will come to be.

I don't need to know now, I just believe that it would feel reassuring…

I just believe that I need to know what's next in order to breathe—forgetting that breathing is not a choice, it just happens, and that's how I get to know what's next: by staying.

Today I choose the unknown, the mystery, the unfathomable, the unmanifested. I let Love show me what happens next and remember that my only job is to inhale, exhale, receive! and… surrender.

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Care.check Podcast
You are the one you're looking for... I hope I can help you see that.