Sitemap - 2023 - Care.check

Today I choose to drift lovingly

Your needs are valid. That's not up for discussion.

Today I choose to reset

Today I choose to belong to my heart

Today I choose the power of joy.

Today I choose to walk back the cat

Today I choose to take care of my younger self

Today I choose to trust what happens next

Will you take a little trip with me today?

Today I choose to cherish my needs

Today I choose to smile while I sing

Today I choose to remember that magic wins

Today I choose to tend to the parts of me I cast out.

Message received...

Today I choose to trust the guidance of the stars.

Today I choose to believe that I deserve happiness, relief, grace and calm.

The truth about truth

Today I choose to give my heart to the Earth

Today I choose to drink my life in

Today I choose to choose my words

Today I choose to trust the roadblock

Today I choose a new beginning

I'll accept all of you, and none of this.

Today I choose to give it grace

Today I choose to make it sacred

Yes: Of course! AND... absolutely not.

About what we know for sure

Have you ever received a letter from Love?

There's a letter waiting for you!

This is not up for debate anymore

Do you ever get mad at yourself?

I do not have to be a cup of tea

What if Grief was Love?

Where does courage come from?

The capacity to be with your capacity

Love is Love and nothing else (and why it matters)

Do not let me help you.

Where do you go when it sucks?

A letter you might need to read SOONER rather than later

It was you all along !!

No one will ever break your heart again

Good things too are ALLOWED to end.

I have a fun topic for us to explore!

A poem, or a promise, or a map.

Do you have a minute?

That solution is the problem

Let's take a trip together

Time heals no wound.

I've got a question for you

It's not me, it's you.

It's all your fault.